This post is a little bit different than the normal posts I’ve made over the years. “Love Yourself, and The Rest Will Follow”. Yes, it’s cliché. Yes, it has nothing to do with background checks, dating horror stories, or creeping on tinder for your current boyfriend.
But I found that the key to online dating was to really truly love yourself, and the rest will follow. After many years of online dating, after many failed relationships and after three failed engagements, I finally got there and found that I was truly okay on my own. And that was the key to opening up success in online dating. I had gotten to the point where I loved myself enough that I didn’t need someone to complete me. When choosing between an inauthentic life with someone who I shrank for and the choice of a life of just me… I chose me. I went back out on my own to make my own life while loving myself and not apologizing all the time for who I was and the standards I had. I put me first and let all the years of making excuses slip away.
And what do you think happened???? The cliché was right. The rest did absolutely follow.
But I met a man who put himself out there and made it his mission to be as transparent as possible so I could look at, uncover, and believe everything he said. I believe that any man that is true with his intentions shouldn’t have issues with making me or you feel safe from meeting a stranger of the internet.
Nine months later and I’ve never had one suspicion, I’ve never had to make up one excuse for his behavior, and I’ve never had to shrink myself to fit into this relationship. Life is easy at a partnership. And who knew that all you had to do was love yourself first and the rest would follow?
If you have a hard time navigating the digital landscape, remember that we’re just a click away and will help confirm everything your match told you so you can settle any nerves you may have going into your new relationship. Between that and your gut intuition, I can say you’re on the right path too.
Try a search for your date now:
Light and love always,