Dating a shorter man was never an issue for me. But dating a shorter man who lied about his height while he was online dating was a VERY big issue for me. It’s hard for anyone to find out exactly how tall your match is until you meet them. You can look at social media profiles and see how they look in relation to other people, but it really comes down to the person telling the truth about their height and about themselves and this is just another sign of how much we have to trust a stranger on the internet to tell the truth.
My partner once went on a date with someone that questioned his height. She asked, “So are you really 5’6?” He said “Yes, who lies about that.” Her response was, “Someone who is 5’4.” Touche.
I’ve covered so many lies over the years. Men with children, men who cheat, men who just lie straight to your face. But one of the worst things is when you do all of your due diligence, everything seems right, and then you meet in person and they are 5’2 and not 6’2. I’m not height shaming… I’m lie shaming. Thats a big lie and a big difference.
Thankfully we at Aste are able to find photos that are public and make sure to share them with our clients and if anything seems off, we’ll discover it.
In conclusion:
If you have a hard time navigating the digital landscape, remember that we’re just a click away and will help confirm everything your match told you so you can settle any nerves you may have going into your new relationship. Between that and your gut intuition, I can say you’re on the right path too.
Try a search for your date now:
Light and love always,